Thursday, October 29, 2009

* Experienced Civil Service Personnel


Preparation for the Civil services exam is a process, once out of which, we would be a lot more capable, matured and seasoned. So, it doesn’t really matter if you clear this exam or not, for, it is always a win-win situation. My journey on this path began some eight years ago. My options were Law and Tamil Literature. My first serious attempt was in 2006. I was called for the Personality Test in that attempt. In the following attempt, I cleared the exam. Smart working will pay you better than hard working. Planning is essential and keeping your cool throughout the exam process will ensure success.

- Narmada Ravichandran, 2007 All-India rank 519

The civil service examination is easy-to-crack provided the candidate puts in intense and diligent preparation. There is also a clear emphasis on studying smart. As far as GS is concerned there must be a special thrust on current affairs. My optional was Sociology. Sociology is one of the simpler options available. The material for sociology is also easily available and preliminary is usually based on under graduate standard. Another point is that the knowledge acquired never gets wasted. So whatever one prepares for the prelims, he/she will always find its use in the mains or in the interview. Though proficiency in English is not a prerequisite, good English skills always help a lot. This has been a major setback for candidates from Tamilnadu and consequently there are comparatively lesser people clearing the exam…I wish you all the very best!

- Ramya Bharati, 2007 All-India rank 362

Right focus and persistent efforts are keys to success in these examinations. This was my first attempt and my options were Economic and Public Administration. Economics is a subject very interesting, but it requires a good amount of passion to engage with. Material though is easily available. On the other hand, public administration is a popular-cum-scoring paper. Keeping oneself updated with current happenings helps a lot in these exams. Another useful thought is that, regular wait for results time-and-again makes an individual become neutral and tougher to take both success and failure easy to heart. One also learns to understand his/her positives and negatives and work accordingly. All the best to all aspirants…!

- Praveena, 2007 All-India rank 633

Attempting civil services exams with 100% effort was a resolution I took in 2006. I managed to clear in 2008. My options were public administration (1st option) and geography. Since I was working, I could not put more than 4 hours of work on weekdays. I used the weekends to prepare and luckily got one month leave before the exams. To people who are attempting these exams, I would say, “Give 100% effort and always have plan B ready for life”

- Vinod Seshan, 2007 exam All-India rank 3

Civil service exam is one which requires systematic and consistent preparation. As far as possible current affairs must be inter twined with the syllabi be it options or the GS. Reading papers and preparing notes from current affairs magazines for easier recall is advisable, as far as possible the syllabus must be condensed into small easily recallable hints. My option was public administration and geography, public administration requires thorough knowledge of the Union and state governments to begin…with equal thrust on other topics as well as their weight is not known. In geography candidates must try to include maps and diagrams as much as you can. In maps accuracy is of prime importance. Both the subjects require acceptable communication skills. For grammatical and lingual errors…at this level is considered appalling. I am sure with a systematic and concentrated preparation this exam can be tamed.

- Aroon Prasad, 2007 exam All-India rank 527


  1. Mr. Prabhakaran

Director, Prabha Academy @ Chennai


  1. Ramya Bharati

Options: Sociology and Public Administration

  1. Arun R

Options: Geography and Public Administration

  1. Narmada Ravichandran

Options: Law and Tamil Literature.

  1. Rajendra Chozan, Chennai
    Options: History & Tamil Literature

  1. Vinod Seshan
    Options: Public Administration & Geography


  1. Joel Davis
    Options: Public Administration and Psychology


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